Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Measurement of LGBT Attitudes

This weeks post of literature is actually going to be centered around addressing and reviewing two potential scales for my research.

Attitudes towards Lesbians and Gay Men and Support for Lesbian and Gay Human Rights Among Psychology Students, Sonja, J. Ellis, Celia Kitzinger, And Sue Wilkinson.

Comparisons between the short form of the attitudes towards lesbians and gay men scale (ATLG-S) and the new scale created for this study, the Support for Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Scale (SGLHRS) was administer to 226 undergraduate psychology students in the UK.

interestingly, when compared, only a select few actually indicated poor attitudes , but the sample as a whole did not support human rights for gays and lesbians.

Both scales reflect different aspects of a persons attitude sort of schema, private attitudes are discussed in the ATLG-S, where the SHRGL really emphasized public attitudes, both of which have major implications on the way teachers will approach and integrate issues into relevant fields.

Essentially, the next step would be to locate a scale reflecting impact of teacher belief's on curriculum, if such a thing exists.


  1. I think we talked in class about how difficult it is to develop a scale for this type of study that doesn't lead the participant in one way or another. The idea of confirmation bias can become a huge issue.

  2. There are probably studies you can reference that examined teacher attitudes about other topics and impact on student learning, or shaping of student attitudes. That would help build your case that teacher attitude matters.
    Dr. Kirk
