Audiation is defined as the hearing of pitch, rhythm, dynamics, tempo, or timbre. It is developed or used through listening, reading music, writing dictation, performing from memory, and creating or improvising. The article also addresses child development and the stages of the brain. Children learn best between the ages of 2 and 11, and also by interacting with their environment. Extensive procedures are included with teaching the elements of rhythm and sight-singing and how to incorporate them with different ages of students.
This article adds to my understanding of my topic by addressing audiation as approached from an elementary method, which can be contrasted to my audiation article for beginning band students. This will play an important role as I start to categorize the methods for elementary and beginning band methods and begin analyzing their curricula.
Garner, Allison Maerker. (2009). Singing and Moving: Teaching Strategies for Auditation in Children. Music Educators Journal, 95(4), 46-50.
This article seemed to be very helpful in comparing and contrasting the two teaching methods. One question I have, is when you say beginning band, what age range specifically are you referring too? In my mind an 11 year old is around 6th grade, which, in my experience, is when students are able to begin band class.